FLEETWERX's Collaboration Model: Empowering Governmental Partnerships

FLEETWERX's collaboration model is designed to enhance the strategic partnership with governmental entities. Recognizing the critical role of government in national security, our model ensures that governmental participants are not just observers but active contributors in the pursuit of naval innovation.
An American aircraft carrier.

Government Partnerships

Policy Integration

Governmental insights are invaluable in ensuring that technological innovations align with current policies and strategic defense objectives. FLEETWERX facilitates dialogues that inform and shape policy development to support the implementation of new technologies.

Cutting-Edge Solutions

Access to innovations that have been vetted through a rigorous process of co-creation, ensuring that they meet the strategic and operational needs of the Navy.

Regulatory Pathfinding

FLEETWERX assists governmental entities in navigating the regulatory landscape, finding pathways that accelerate the adoption of innovations while maintaining compliance with stringent standards.

Resource Optimization

The pooling of resources from industry and academia maximizes the value and efficiency of government investments in defense technology.

A United States government building.An F-35 taking off from an aircraft carrier.American submarine.Members of industry and armed forces overlapping their hands as a symbol of teamwork.

Government Partnerships

Policy Integration

Governmental insights are invaluable in ensuring that technological innovations align with current policies and strategic defense objectives. FLEETWERX facilitates dialogues that inform and shape policy development to support the implementation of new technologies.

Cutting-Edge Solutions

Access to innovations that have been vetted through a rigorous process of co-creation, ensuring that they meet the strategic and operational needs of the Navy.

Regulatory Pathfinding

FLEETWERX assists governmental entities in navigating the regulatory landscape, finding pathways that accelerate the adoption of innovations while maintaining compliance with stringent standards.

Resource Optimization

The pooling of resources from industry and academia maximizes the value and efficiency of government investments in defense technology.

A United States government building.An F-35 taking off from an aircraft carrier.American submarine.Members of industry and armed forces overlapping their hands as a symbol of teamwork.

Areas of Focus

Artificial intelligence icon.

Artificial Intelligence

Revolutionizing naval decision-making processes through machine learning and data-driven insights.
Smart home icon.

5G Networks

Ensuring robust and high-speed communication for seamless naval coordination and real-time data transmission.
CPU icon.

Quantum S&T

Leveraging quantum mechanics to enhance encryption, communication, and computation capabilities for the Fleet.
Autonomous vehicle technology icon.

Autonomous Systems

Designing advanced systems that can operate with minimal human intervention, maximizing efficiency and operational capabilities.
Hypersonic technology icon.


Developing novel technologies that operate at unparalleled speeds, ensuring precision and quick response in critical scenarios.
Cyber security icon.


Strengthening digital infrastructures to protect naval intelligence, operations, and communication in the digital realm.
Space-based technology icon.

Space-based Capability

Enhancing naval dominance by integrating space technology, ensuring global reach and surveillance.
Additive manufacturing icon.

Additive Manufacturing

Implementing rapid production techniques for on-demand equipment creation, promoting self-sufficiency and readiness for the Fleet.

Join us in our mission to enhance Fleet & Force operational effectiveness.

Become a part of our collaborative network focused on enabling cutting-edge solutions for our nation’s defense.